
Showing posts from October, 2022

You're Working Too Hard: Build More Muscle With Less Work

  Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay "No pain, no gain;" "It takes a lot of hard work;" "Live in the gym;" "You have to work off the calories that you ate." You've probably heard all of these expressions and dozens more. If you look up fitness advice, you'll find a wide range of opinions that include beliefs that completely disagree with much of the other fitness ideologies. Compound that with the fact that every day we are bombarded with advertisements promising us that we won't make any progress unless we take their fat burner pills or testosterone boosters.       Now, you're convinced that the only way to build a lot of muscle or to get lean is to commit yourself to hours of self-torture and to spend a fortune on supplements that tell you,  on the bottle , that none of their claims have any scientific proof to support them. This is where it gets surreal. It may seem like a conspiracy theory. Except that this "...